Fever in Pregnancy and Its Maternal and Fetal Outcome
Fever, malaria, Typhoid, NICU, Fetal outcome.Abstract
Aims and Objectives:Fever in pregnancy is one of the most commonly encountered problems in Obstetrics. Objective of this study is to know the effect of Fever on Maternal and Fetal outcome.Methods: This is a Prospective Study conducted in Labour room , Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, GGH , Kadapa over a period of one year(september 2019-september 2020) . 100 Antenatal Mothers who were admitted with Fever were included in the Study irrespective of the parity . Cause of Fever , its duration and episodes of Fever were assessed.Results: In this study, causes of fever were found to be Malaria( 35% ) , Typhoid ( 14% ), Covid ( 14% ) URTI( 12% ) , UTI ( 9%) , Viral ( 11.4% ) , Dengue ( 8% ) , Viral ( 6%) LRTI ( 2% ) . Out of 100 Antenatal cases admitted with Fever , 55 delivered vaginally ( 55%), 35 delivered by LSCS (35% ) and 10 were Abortions (10 % ) . Among LSCS , 25 were due to obstetric indications ( 71.4 % ) and 10 were due to fetal causes ( 33.3%) . Among vaginal deliveries 10 babies had fetal distress . Among 100 deliveries , 25 babies admitted to NICU , 15 were due to preterm & its complications ( 60% ) and 10 were due to fetal distress (40% ) .There were no fetal and maternal deaths.Conclusion: In this Study, it is observed that Malaria is the Most common cause of Fever followed by Typhoid . Preterm and PROM were observed as the most common complications followed by abortions . NICU admissions were most commonly due to preterm and its complications and there were no fetal deaths . Hence it is suggested that Fever during Pregnancy need to be evaluated promptly and intervened timely to have a better maternal and fetal outcome.