Perforated Right Side Colonic Diverticulum with Abscess


  • S. Muthuraj Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Government Thiruvarur Medical College, India
  • M. Vennila Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Government Thiruvarur Medical College, India
  • Shivanshu Misra Consultant Gastrosurgeon, Shivani Hospital And IVF Center, Kanpur, U.P., India


Intra-abdominal Abcess, Diverticulitis, colonic perforation.


Colonic perforation is a rare cause of intraabdominal abscess. It presents, more frequently in frail elderly patients, with heterogeneous signs and symptoms which hamper the clinical diagnosis. Subcutaneous emphysema with pneumomediastinum and  muscle abscess are unusual signs. Colonic  perforation may be consequent to diverticulitis or locally advanced colon cancer. Due to the anatomy of the abdominal space and different physiopathology, diverticular perforation may present with air and pus collection; on the other hand perforated colon cancer may cause groin mass and psoas abscess.




How to Cite

Muthuraj, S., Vennila, M., & Misra, S. (2020). Perforated Right Side Colonic Diverticulum with Abscess. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 3(4), 89–92. Retrieved from