Sensitivity and specificity of MRI in identifying Lateral meniscus injury associated with high grade ACL injury


  • Vineet Mishra Assistant Professor,Department of Radiology ,Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Jaipur , Rajasthan,India
  • Surbhi Gupta Junior Resident,Department of Radiology ,Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital,Jaipur,Rajasthan,India
  • Vipasha Singh Senior Resident,Department of Radiology,Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital,Jaipur, Rajasthan,India
  • Vishwajeet Burungle Junior Resident,Department of Radiology ,Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital,Jaipur , Rajasthan,India
  • Hemant Mishra Professor ,Department of Radiology ,Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital,Jaipur Rajasthan,India
  • M.C. Baberwal Professor and Head,Department of Radiology ,Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Hospital, Jaipur Rajasthan,India


Anterior cruciate ligament,Injury, Lateral meniscus


Background:Meniscus tears are commonly observed in patients with high grade anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. The present study was conducted to assess association of the lateral meniscus tearwith high grade anterior cruciate ligament.Materials & Methods: Patients with less than one month of trauma to knee were included. Patients were then subjected to MRI (GE Signa HDX MR Machine with 1.5tesla field strength and with Siemens 3T MAGNETOM VIDA). Patients having high grade ACL injuries (61 cases) are categorised into lateral menisci tear associated with ACL tear and isolated ACL tear / ACL tear with other combined tears (except lateral menisci tear).Comparison of findings of MRI with arthroscopic was done. Statistical analysis using Microsoft excel done.Results: 61 patients with high grade ACL tear (less than one month of injuries) were included in the study. Of those, 59.01 % (36 cases)hadACL tears without lateral meniscus injury, 40.98 % (25 cases)had associated the lateral meniscus tear.Conclusion: Most of the patients of lateral meniscus tear had associated with high grade anterior cruciate ligament injury.




How to Cite

Mishra, V., Gupta, S., Singh, V., Burungle, V., Mishra, H., & Baberwal, M. (2021). Sensitivity and specificity of MRI in identifying Lateral meniscus injury associated with high grade ACL injury. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(8), 199–203. Retrieved from