Questionnaire based survey on creating awareness among I MBBS Students on practice of hygiene and risk of infections in dissection theatre


  • Nimisha Sinha II Year MBBS Student, JSS Medical College and Hospital, JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research Mysuru-15,Karnataka,India
  • Vidya CS Professor,Department of Anatomy, JSS Medical College and Hospital, JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research,Mysuru-15, Karnataka,India
  • Shreya Singh II Year MBBS Student, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi,India


Dissection hall, hygiene, cadavers, I MBBS students


Introduction: The cadavers have to be preserved in embalming fluid which is a combination of chemicals that include fixatives, preservatives, germicides, buffers, wetting agents, anticoagulants, dyes, and perfuming agents. In the dissection hall, the technicians, teachers and especially the medical students are exposed to formaldehyde and are more susceptible to upper respiratory infections due to improper hygienic practice. The study aims to know the perception of medical students regarding importance of hygiene in Dissection Hall and to know if medical students are aware that they are at probable risk of infections while working in the Dissection Hall.Method:Validated questionnaire with 30 items was prepared on practice of hygiene and risk of infections in dissection theatre. The validated questionnaire was generated in google forms and the link was shared via WhatsApp with I MBBS students of JSS Medical College and 44 other colleges across India. The responses were subjected to statistical analysis, and the results were interpreted.Results:A total of 578 students participated in the survey voluntarily and the responses were downloaded and the outcome was expressed in percentage. 83.6 % of the subjects had prior information regarding hygiene guidelinesbefore their first dissectionand88.2 % were not aware about the WHO stipulation on minimum exposure of non occupational formalin. Details regarding responses to all items have been discussed in the content of the manuscript.Conclusion:The harmful effects of formalin can be reduced by using hand gloves and masks while doing dissection of cadavers. We are all aware on the kind of havoc the current Covid pandemic has created and it has almost overturned the existing systems. The present survey was undertaken with the aim of imparting knowledge on safe hygienic practices in dissection theatre.




How to Cite

Nimisha Sinha, Vidya CS, & Shreya Singh. (2021). Questionnaire based survey on creating awareness among I MBBS Students on practice of hygiene and risk of infections in dissection theatre. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(9), 242–245. Retrieved from