Cross sectional study to assess prevalence of smoking and nicotine dependence among under graduate medical students of Index group of college Indore


  • Rashmi Bhujade Associate Professor Zydus Medical College and Hospital, Dahod, Gujrat, India.
  • G.D.Bhide Associate Professor, Index Medical College, Hospital &Research Center, Indore, India
  • (Col) V.K.Arora Professor & head. Index Medical College, Hospital &Research Center, Indore, India
  • Aarti Sahasrabuddhe Professor, Index Medical College, Hospital &Research Center, Indore, India
  • Dilesh Yuvraj Bagul Statistician cum tutor, Index Medical College, Hospital &Research Center, Indore, India


Smoking prevalence, Nicotine dependency, Medical students.


Background:Tobacco use became an epidemic now. Nicotine in tobacco is responsible for addiction. Tobacco use is a major risk factor for many diseases. Cigarette is most common form of tobacco use .To reverse this epidemic we should know magnitude & extent of problem. Methodology:Cross sectional study was conducted in a teaching hospital on medical students to know prevalence of smoking & among smokers nicotine dependence.Results:smoking prevalence was 24%,more common in males. Maximum participants had low to moderate nicotine dependency .Nicotine dependence was found to be significantly associated with sex, age of starting smoking, duration of smoking and awareness regarding health effects of smoking.Conclusion:Prevalence of smoking among medical students was pronounced & nicotine dependency was also noteworthy. Genned up successor doctors should be exempted from dependency first. Interventions to prevent commencing of smoking for non smokers& promotion smoking cessation and harm reduction for smokers, should be planned.




How to Cite

Rashmi Bhujade, G.D.Bhide, (Col) V.K.Arora, Aarti Sahasrabuddhe, & Dilesh Yuvraj Bagul. (2021). Cross sectional study to assess prevalence of smoking and nicotine dependence among under graduate medical students of Index group of college Indore. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(10), 87–90. Retrieved from