Association of biochemical indices and severity of COVID-19


  • Shahid Iqbal Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar, UP, India
  • Sudeep Kumar Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar, UP, India
  • Imran Mustafa Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar, UP, India
  • Manisha Arora Professor, Department of Metabolism and Nutrition, Medical University of the Americas, Nevis
  • Sumesh P. Sah Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar, UP, India
  • Shivani Sharma Professor, Department of Physiology, Medical University of the Americas, Nevis


Covid-19, Biomarkers, IL-6, Ferritin, CRP


Introduction: COVID-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2, was identified in China in Wuhan city. Since then, the novel coronavirus started to be compared to influenza. The inflammatory biomarkers are associated with severity of COVID-19 patients. Hence the aims of the study was to evaluate the association between COVID-19 and inflammatory biomarkers such as IL-6, CRP, ferritin & LDH. Materials and Methods: For this retrospective study we have included 433 confirmed covid -19 patients admitted in Muzaffarnagar Medical College & Associated Hospital, Muzaffarnagar. After Covid-19 pandemic this hospital changed to covid hospital and all the investigation including biochemical biomarkers were done in the central biochemistry lab of Muzaffarnagar Medical College itself. Results: We analyzed the biochemical biomarkers on covid-19 patients admitted in non-ICU, ICU & patients who are on intubation. In our study we found a significant association between severity of covid-19 and the biochemical indices. Conclusion: In this study we found elevated serum levels of CRP, LDH, IL-6, and ferritin in covid-19 patients. The increases in these biomarkers were more in the patient who are on intubation.




How to Cite

Shahid Iqbal, Sudeep Kumar, Imran Mustafa, Manisha Arora, Sumesh P. Sah, & Shivani Sharma. (2021). Association of biochemical indices and severity of COVID-19. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(11). Retrieved from