Clinicopathological profile of uncommon tropical infections -A single centre experience with review of literature


  • Anannya Ghatak 2nd year,Department of pathology IPGME&R,Kolkata,India
  • Chhanda Das Assistant Professor Department of pathology IPGME&R,Kolkata,India
  • Madhumita Mukhopadhyay Professor ,Department of pathology,IPGME&R,Kolkata,India
  • Sudeshna Nandi 3rd year ,Department of pathology,IPGME&R,Kolkata,India
  • Biswanath Mukhopadhyay Professor and Head, Department of Pediatric Surgery ,Apollo Glenagles Hospital ,Kolkata,India
  • Ashis Kumar Saha Professor , Department of Surgery ,Murshidabad Medical College ,WB,India


Cutaneous ,fungal ,pulmonary ,subcutaneous


Introduction:Cutaneous, deep mycosis and bacterial infections are predominantly seen in hot tropical countries. They have become more common in the last decade due to immunosuppression and globalization. Aim: To study clinical behaviours, anatomical locations, histological findings of the fungal and bacterial infections seen in daily practice. Materials and methods: This is a prospective study conducted in a tertiary care hospital for 1year. We studied the cases according to their age and sex, the clinical presentations and site, the treatment provided and the histopathological findings. Results: This study comprises of six cases of fungal, bacterial infections- cutaneous aspergillosis, histoplasmosis, chromoblastomycosis, actinomycosis arising from skin, aspergillosis of lungs, subcutaneous rhinosporidiosis with varied presentations. The patients have undergone treatment and were referred to dermatology, plastic surgery and surgery department for further management. Conclusion:Cutaneous fungal, bacterial infections and deep mycoses frequently have a variety of clinical presentation, leading to a broad range of differential diagnosis. So the study of their clinical profile and histopathological findings paves way for early diagnosis and better management.




How to Cite

Anannya Ghatak, Chhanda Das, Madhumita Mukhopadhyay, Sudeshna Nandi, Biswanath Mukhopadhyay, & Ashis Kumar Saha. (2021). Clinicopathological profile of uncommon tropical infections -A single centre experience with review of literature. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(13), 135–141. Retrieved from