A Prospective Comparative Study of Stapler Hemorrhoidectomyvs Open Haemorrhoidectomy (Milligan Morgan) In its Outcome and Postoperative Complications


  • Nitinkumar D. Chaudhari Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, GMERS Medical College, Vadnagar, Gujarat, India
  • Dhaval Kantilal Chaudhari Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Nootan General Hospital and Research Institute, Visnagar, Gujarat, India


Stapler hemorrhoidectomy; Milligan Morgan hemorrhoidectomy; Surgical procedures; Hemorrhoids; Piles


Background: Stapled hemorrhoidectomy has been hailed as a groundbreaking procedure for treating prolapsed haemorrhoids. In comparison to open hemorrhoidectomy, it resulted in a shorter period of convalescence despite the significant additional cost.Aim : The goal of this study was to look into and evaluate the outcomes and post-operative problems in patients with grade III and IV haemorrhoids who underwent Stapler or Milligan Morgan hemorrhoidectomy.Methods: A total of 102 individuals with grade III and IV haemorrhoids, ranging in age from 38 to 50 years, were randomly assigned to one of two groups. There are 51 patients in Group 1 who are getting Stapler hemorrhoidectomy and 51 patients in Group 2 who are undergoing Open hemorrhoidectomy/Milligan Morgan. Patients in both groups were evaluated post-operatively for bleeding, discomfort, recurrence, and long-term consequences in comparison to their pre-operative symptom profiles. Students' T tests were used to conduct a comparative analysis between the two groups using SPSS software version. The threshold for significance was set at 5% (p≤0.05). Results: Stapler hemorrhoidectomy technique was quicker to perform in comparison with Open hemorrhoidectomy (p value < 0.001). Hospitalization and duration of resumption to daily activity was less in Stapler hemorrhoidectomy group as compared to Open hemorrhoidectomy/Milligan Morgan group (p value < 0.001). Conclusion: Both procedures were efficient for hemorrhoidectomytherapy, however Stapler hemorrhoidectomy had advantages in terms of shorter operative times, less intra- and post-surgical bleeding, and a decreased incidence of various post-operative sequelae.




How to Cite

Nitinkumar D. Chaudhari, & Dhaval Kantilal Chaudhari. (2021). A Prospective Comparative Study of Stapler Hemorrhoidectomyvs Open Haemorrhoidectomy (Milligan Morgan) In its Outcome and Postoperative Complications. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(14), 85–87. Retrieved from https://ijhcr.com/index.php/ijhcr/article/view/2266