Innovative Modified CORAD Grading system of HRCT Chest in relation to clinical management and its severity Assessment of COVID19 Patients and its contacts


  • Ravi Teja Athkuri Assistant Professor,Department of Radio-Diagnosis, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, India
  • Jyostna Arelly Arelly Assistant Professor,Department of Peadiatrics, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, India
  • Surya Prakash Cheedalla Assistant Professor,Department of Radio-Diagnosis, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, India
  • Veena Madireddy Assistant Professor,Department of Radio-Diagnosis, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, India
  • Latcham Setty Sudha Rani Associate Professor,Department of Radio-Diagnosis, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad,India
  • Vanaja Bulkapuram Civil Assistant Surgeon/Tutor, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, India
  • Vijaya Kumari.M Professor, Department of Radio-Diagnosis, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, India
  • J.S Ashwini Jyothi Professor, Department of Radio-Diagnosis, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, India
  • J Suresh Consultant, Chief Radiologist, Ozone Hospitals, Hyderabad, India
  • Ranjith Kumar.S Consultant Physicians, Ozone Hospitals, Hyderabad, India
  • K.Indrasen Reddy Consultant Physicians, Ozone Hospitals, Hyderabad, India


CORAD Grading system, HRCT, COVID19.


Background:Novel corona virus is currently the causing a worldwide pandemic. Imaging modalities like X-ray and CT Chest are the first and foremost earliest imaging presentation during Corona virus infection. Presently all over the world using CORAD Grading system which neither gives information regarding clinical severity nor disease progression in the management and treatment of patients. Material and methods: Retrospective observational study was done among 130 suspected Covid patients with contact history and RT-PCR positive patients with their HRCT imaging findings. We further categorized clinically with new grading system as Mild, moderate, severe, recovering according to our grading system and treated accordingly.Results: Based on our new modified CORAD grading system of HRCT chest,we categorized 130 patients to 7 categories based on clinical and imaging scenario. Out of them 5 showing typical HRCT Findings but RT PCR Negative another 5 RT PCR Positive but HRCT normal. Those two categories are excluded from the study. Remaining patients are categorized based on HRCT lung findings to mild (HRCT Gradings I,II-55 patients),moderate (HRCT Grading III,IV-35 patients),severe(HRCT GradingV,VI-20patients),recovering (HRCTGrading VIII-10 patients) phases and treated accordingly.Conclusion: The Proposed New Innovative Modified COVID Grading system would improve imaging and understanding of COVID disease pathophysiology and its distribution and treatment accordingly. Thus, facilitating the diagnosis and management of COVID-19 patients as compared with previous system.




How to Cite

Ravi Teja Athkuri, Arelly, J. A., Surya Prakash Cheedalla, Veena Madireddy, Latcham Setty Sudha Rani, Vanaja Bulkapuram, Vijaya Kumari.M, J.S Ashwini Jyothi, J Suresh, Ranjith Kumar.S, & K.Indrasen Reddy. (2021). Innovative Modified CORAD Grading system of HRCT Chest in relation to clinical management and its severity Assessment of COVID19 Patients and its contacts. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(14), 100–103. Retrieved from