The Barriers To Accessing Sanitary Facilities Experienced By Adolescent Girls In An Urban Slum Of Patna : A Cross Sectional Study.


  • Akhoury Prabhat Kumar Sinha Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Nalanda Medical College , Patna, Bihar,India
  • Rashmi Singh Tutor, Department of Community Medicine, Patna Medical College , Patna,Bihar,India
  • Nilima Sharan Lady Medical Officer, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Nalanda Medical College , Patna, Bihar,India


Keywords: Adolescent girls, sanitary facilities, urban slums.


Aim:  The barriers to accessing hygienic sanitary facilities experienced by adolescent girls in an urban slum.

Materials and Method: The study included 98 adolescent females (10-19 years) living in an urban slum of Patna.

Result: Mean age of adolescent girls in the present study was 15.44 ±2.2 years (Range:12 to 19 years) and majority of them were in high school (60.2%). About half (42%) of the study subject were living in semipucca house and only 38% had access to an independent toilet facility, 9% were practicing open defecation and remaining 51% were using public toilets.

Conclusion: The availability of sanitation facility and latrine utilization rate of the households were satisfactory.Privacy is a concern in public toilets.






How to Cite

Sinha, A. P. K., Singh, R., & Sharan, N. (2020). The Barriers To Accessing Sanitary Facilities Experienced By Adolescent Girls In An Urban Slum Of Patna : A Cross Sectional Study. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 3(8), 1–4. Retrieved from