Clinical study of maternal and perinatal outcome in preeclampsia


  • Rohini Kondrakunta Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Chittoor, AP, India
  • Sarada Bandaru Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Chittoor, AP, India


Post partum, Hemorrhage, Maternal Morbidity, Perinatal mortality, preeclampsia, Prematurity, Premature rupture of membranes, HEELP syndrome


Background: Hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy continue to be rampant globally and is responsible for majority of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Preeclampsia though still obstetric enigma, it has almost been eradicated from the developed world. More women die due to preeclampsia in India than anywhere else in the world. Aim & Objectives: The objective of this study was to analyse the cases of preeclampsia complicating pregnancy and its maternal and perinatal outcome in relation to preterm delivery, IUD/ still birth, and early neonatal death and also the management of preeclampsia in pregnancy. Method: A prospective study conducted on 100 pregnant women between 30 – 40 weeks gestation admitted to the hospitals attached Apollo Institute of Medeical Sciences and Research Chittoor during the study period (March 2020-July 2021). The study had 2 groups – 50 pregnant women with preeclampsia as cases and 50 normal pregnant women as controls. Statistical methods like Chi-square test and Independent samples t‘test were employed for the study. Results: In the present study, the overall incidence of hypertensive disorders is 16.66%, out of which the incidence of preeclampsia accounted for 14.66%. The number of preterm deliveries were 17 (34%) and IUGR were 6 (12%). Perinatal mortality was seen in 12% of the cases, with prematurity as the most commonest cause of mortality. Caesarean section rate was 46%. Commonest maternal complications were Atonic PPH and Abruptio placenta. Conclusion: The early use of antihypertensive drugs, optimum timing of delivery and strict fluid balance, anticonvulsants in cases of eclampsia will help to achieve successful outcome. Early transfer to specialist centre is important and the referral centres should be well equipped to treat such critical patients. Training and continuing medical education of the attending staff and structuring management protocols relevant to local needs also is an important part in the prevention and management of preeclampsia.




How to Cite

Rohini Kondrakunta, & Sarada Bandaru. (2021). Clinical study of maternal and perinatal outcome in preeclampsia. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(17), 351–356. Retrieved from