Clinicohistopathological spectrum of mucormycosis in covid–19 patients – Five months study in tertiary care hospital
Covid-19, Mucormycosis, Rhino - orbital form.Abstract
Corona viruses are a group of viruses in which SARS – cov 1 strain causes severe acute respiratory syndrome. The new strain of coronavirus called SARS - cov-2 causes coronavirus disease 19(COVID-19).Corona virus disease 2019 may be associated with a variety of fungal and bacterial infections. Infection with mucormycosis in the form of Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis has reached epidemic proportion during this covid-19 pandemic with associated risk factors. This study was aimed to know the association of comorbidities and medications used ,with the development of mucormycosis which were confirmed by histopathological observation to improve early diagnosis thereby decreasing the morbidity, mortality and disability. Common age group affected , gender predilection are also studied. Mucormycosis may be manifested as different syndromes in humans especially in those with Diabetes mellitus and immunocompromised state. An observational and prospective study of five months from 15th Feb2021 to 15th July 2021, is done on patients with covid-19 associated with Rhino- orbito- cerebral mucormycosis with histological confirmation. All the patients admitted with confirmed covid-19 with suspected mucormycosis at Government General Hospital, Ongole, Andhra Pradesh are included in the present study along with clinical details obtained from clinicians. Clinico histological correlation was done and analysed in the present study: Overall 98 cases of mucormycosis in people with covid- 19 were reported in which 73(74.48%) were males and 25(25.51%) were females. Associated co-morbidities like Diabetes mellitus in 68 cases (69.38%), Diabetic ketoacidosis in 4.08%, steroid medication in 37 cases(37.75%) cases were seen. Other risk factors are also studied and analysed.Mucormycosis is mostly seen in nose and paranasal sinuses by 81 cseses( 82.65%) followed by lungs 9 cases(9.18%) , oral cavity 5 cases ( 5.14%) and rhino- orbital cavity 3 csess ( 3.06%) .
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Copyright (c) 2021 R.Rajeswari, Katada Sai Sriram, Sushma Chandulee Kacharla

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