Effectiveness of Early Clinical Exposure (ECE) as a teaching-learning method for first-year MBBS undergraduates in basic medical sciences


  • Shilpa Mittal Associate Professor, Al-Falah School of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Faridabad, Haryana, India
  • Rashmi Gulia Assistant Professor, Al-Falah School of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Faridabad, Haryana, India
  • Pragati Sheel Mittal Associate Professor, Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India


Early Clinical Exposure, Teaching-learning method, Competency-Based Undergraduate Curriculum.


Introduction: In Competency-Based Undergraduate Curriculum Module-2, 2019 for Indian Medical Graduate (IMG) stated that Early Clinical Exposure (ECE) provides a reference to basic science learning so that students can understand the applicative aspects of learning. This methodology orients students towards actual clinical scenarios & helps them to correlate their theoretical knowledge with real-life in the management of patients. Methodology: This was a prospective cross over study carried out at Al-Falah School of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Dhauj, Faridabad. The Institutional Ethical committee has approved the study. A total number of 150 First year MBBS undergraduates participated in the study as the study group. ECE is a part of undergraduate Curriculum phase-1in CBME. Students were sensitized to the method of ECE & the purpose of ECE was explained to them. Consent was taken from the participants. All first-year MBBS undergraduates were divided into two groups of 75 student (i.e., A & B) according to their class roll numbers. Preliminary lectures on Liver Function Tests, Renal Function Tests and Cardiac Profile Tests & Acid-Base disorders were conducted as per schedule. In Session-1, Clinical case study(ECE) of Acid-Base disorders were taught to Group A and Acid-Base disorders were taught by (Non ECE)Tutorial method to Group B. Likewise the Clinical case study (ECE)of Jaundice were taught to Group B & Jaundice was taught by (Non ECE)Tutorial method to Group A. Assessment of all the students was done by post-session MCQ test. In Session-2, Clinical case study (ECE) of Renal Function Tests were taught to Group A & Renal Function Tests were taught by(Non ECE) Tutorial method to Group B. Likewise the Clinical case study(ECE) of Myocardial Infarction were taught to Group B & Myocardial Infarction was taught by(Non ECE) Tutorial method to Group A. Assessment of all the students was done by post-session MCQ test. Conclusion: In Biochemistry ECE helps students to be aware of the clinical and diagnostic relevance of the subject. Successful implementation of ECE enhances performances of first-year undergraduate students in basic medical sciences.




How to Cite

Shilpa Mittal, Rashmi Gulia, & Pragati Sheel Mittal. (2021). Effectiveness of Early Clinical Exposure (ECE) as a teaching-learning method for first-year MBBS undergraduates in basic medical sciences. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(20), 221–224. Retrieved from https://ijhcr.com/index.php/ijhcr/article/view/3246