Epidural Butorphanol : Comparison of two different doses in Lower abdominal surgery.


  • Vikas Laxmanrao Chaudhari Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology,Indira Gandhi Government Medical College & Hospital, Nagpur, India
  • Amol B. Thakare Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology,Government Medical College, Chandrapur, India
  • Yogesh N Zanwar Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology,GMC & SSH, Nagpur, India


Butarphanol, Epidural anaesthesia, Sensory blockade, Motor blockade, post-operative analgesia.


Background:For lower abdominal surgeries, nowadays epidural anaesthesia is preferred. To cover the pain after surgery is the anaesthesiologist work. Butarphanol is synthetic opioid which has better effect on post-operative analgesia. The study participants were divided into Control group, Group A receiving 1mg of butarphanol& Group B receiving 2mg of butarphanol. Objectives: The study was conducted to compare two doses 1mg & 2mg of butarphanol for quality of anaesthesia, quality of motor blockade, duration of post-operative analgesia etc. Methods – It was cross sectional studywas conducted at Department of Anaesthesiology, Government Medical College, over a period extending from January 2007 to November 2008. Results:The onset of sensory blockade was found to occur in less than 1 minutes in group B receiving 2mg of butarphanol. In group B, complete motor blockade in about 10.15±0.86 minutes followed by in group A in 13.27±1.67 minutes. Group B patients had maximum sensory blockade for 3.8±0.40 hours & motor blockade for 2.72±0.32 hours. About 82.5% & 77% patients in Group B & A respectively has excellent quality of anaesthesia. Somnolence was the commonest adverse effect seen in about 70% of group B & 40% of group A patients. Conclusion:Butarphanol through epidural route in different doses can provide you better sensory & motor blockade, better quality of anaesthesia, maximum duration of post-operative analgesia.




How to Cite

Chaudhari, V. L., Thakare, A. B., & Zanwar, Y. N. (2020). Epidural Butorphanol : Comparison of two different doses in Lower abdominal surgery. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 3(10), 182–186. Retrieved from https://ijhcr.com/index.php/ijhcr/article/view/337