Intestinal anastomosis a prospective analysis


  • Prabhat Kumar Priyadarshi Senior Resident, Department of General Surgery, Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital, Muzaffarapur, Umanagar, Bihar, India
  • Manas Ranjan Deo Senior Resident, Department of General Gurgery, Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital, Muzaffarapur, Umanagar, Bihar, India
  • Bhartendu Kumar Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery, Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital, Muzaffarapur, Umanagar, Bihar, India


Double layer anastomosis, Single layer anastomosis, gastrointestinal anastomosis


Background: Anastomosis is a surgical procedure where in two hollow viscera are approximated together to establish the continuity. The present study was conducted to compare the single layer and double layer intestinal anastomosis. Material and methods: The study was conducted to compare the single layer and double layer gastrointestinal anastomosis. A total of 100 patients were included in the study. All patients are grouped into two categories. One group undergoing Single layer anastomosis (SL), other group undergoing Double layer anastomosis (DL). Data were analyzed using the appropriate tests of significance in SPSS R Version 3.02. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: Out of total 100 patients, Male patients were 60% and female patients were 40%. The mean time of operation for SL was 22.2 min. and for DL was 30.24 min. Duration of hospital stay for SL was 8.23 days and for DL was 9.02 days. Anastomotic leakage was seen in 10% of Double layer group and 4% of Single layer group.Conclusion: The present study concluded that Single layer anastomosis (SL) was better than Double layer anastomosis (DL).




How to Cite

Prabhat Kumar Priyadarshi, Manas Ranjan Deo, & Bhartendu Kumar. (2021). Intestinal anastomosis a prospective analysis. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(22), 20–21. Retrieved from

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