A Hospital Based Comparative Study of Labour Progress and Delivery Outcome Among Spontaneous Induced Patients


  • Dinesh Chand Gupta Principal Specialist (M.S., Gynae), District Hospital, Karauli, Rajasthan, India
  • Ramdas Garg Principal Specialist (M.S., Gynae), District Hospital, Dholpur, Rajasthan, India


WHO Partograph, Primigravida, Multigravida, Induction, Spontaneous, Caesarean Section


Background: Indications for induction of labour have essentially not changed. When concern for the wellbeing of the mother arises, primary indications for induction include active medical disorders, being well beyond the due date and prolonged ruptured membranes. Indication is also justified when the fetus is at risk. The aim of this study to compare the progress of labour and its outcome among spontaneous and induced labour. Materials & Methods: A prospective study done on 100 pregnant women were selected from outpatient department at district hospital Dholpur, Rajasthan, India during one year period. Study group consisted of two groups. These groups constituted of pregnant women at term admitted to District Hospitals in spontaneous labour and pregnant women admitted for induction of labour for either medical or obstetric reasons. Detailed antenatal history followed by basic pelvic assessment is done and reactive FHR pattern is assessed. Progress of labour is monitored with modified WHO partograph. They were monitored with maternal pulse, blood pressure, foetal heart rate (FHR), uterine contractions, scar tenderness, colour of the liquor for early detection of impending uterine scar rupture and foetal distress. Results: The result states that there is no significant (P>0.05) different in age group between spontaneous labour patients and induced patients. The gestational age at which patients were induced (39.012±1.12 wks) were higher than patients with spontaneous labour (38.572±0.92 wks) however the difference was very low and is statistically not significant. Percentage of caesarean delivery among induced women is 24% and in spontaneous labour is 2%. Only one patient comes under caesarean section due to fetal distress in spontaneous group and 12 patients comes under caesarean section due to fetal abnormality in induced groups. Conclusion: We conclude that spontaneous pregnancies cost effective compared to induced pregnancies.




How to Cite

Dinesh Chand Gupta, & Ramdas Garg. (2021). A Hospital Based Comparative Study of Labour Progress and Delivery Outcome Among Spontaneous Induced Patients. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 4(24), 187–189. Retrieved from https://ijhcr.com/index.php/ijhcr/article/view/3805