Outcome of canal wall down mastoidectomy with Tympanoplasty
Canal wall down mastoidectomy(CWDM), Tympanoplasty, Cholesteatoma, Decibel (dB), Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) Airbone Gap (ABG).Abstract
Chronic supportive otititis media is potentially serious disease because of their complications. In chronic cases complications are usually caused by progressive erosion of temporal bone thus increasing the risk of damage to facial nerve, labyrinth and the dura. With new surgical techniques, the complications and related mortality have been greatly reduced and furthermore the hearing threshold is also improved. The importance of this study is to achieve a stable hearing and to maintain the hearing mechanism as best as possible. The aim of the study is to assess the audiological and surgical outcome of canal wall down mastoidectomy with tympanoplasty. This study was conducted at Jawahar Lal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences, Porompat, Imphal . The procedure and data collections of 50 patients were carried out for two years with effect from September 2018 to September 2020 and each case was followed up for 6 months. The data were entered and calculated statistically using SPSSv.20 software. The study shows significant hearing improvement in hearing post operatively. The mean air bone gap of 33.52 db reduced to 21.72 dB at 1 month post operatively and to 23.32 dB at 6 months post operatively (p= 0.00). In this study, 9 (18%) patients had wax in the cavity and were cleaned, graft retraction was seen in 3(6%) patients, vertigo was seen in 2(4%) and 1 patient had graft failure.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nameirakpam Devakanta Singh, Yumnam Tomba Singh, Ningthoujam Kumarjit Singh, Karam Monica, Takhellambam Biram, R. Jesline Joshua Jeyakaran

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