A study of Clinical Profile assessment in Patients Undergoing Mass Closure and Layered Closure for Laparotomies


  • Abhishek Mishra Ex-Senior Resident, Department of General Surgery, Patna Medical College and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India
  • Binoy Kumar Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery, Patna Medical College and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India
  • Pankaj Kumar Mishra Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, Patna Medical College and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India


Clinical Profile, Mass Closure and Layered Closure Techniques, Laparotomies.


Background: Linen and Cotton were already in use. Silk was the next suture of choice in non-absorbable suture range. It became very popular because of its excellent handling properties. It was extensively used in all surgical procedures including Cardiovascular Surgery. Aim: To assess the clinical profile of Patients Undergoing Mass Closure and Layered Closure Techniques in Laparotomies. Materials and Methods: History taking was followed as a routine in all cases admitted to the wards.Plain X-ray abdomen, Contrast X-rays like barium meal, Upper GI endoscopy and Abdominal ultrasound and CT scan were done in necessary cases. However in emergency cases, only the investigations necessary for supporting the diagnosis were employed. Results: In this study mid line incision was done in 39 patients, 65% of patients, Right Para Median incision in 18 patients 30 %, left Para median in 3 patients, 5%. In this study in mass closure group a mean time taken (min) 15.73 was required for the closure of the incision with standard deviation of 1.82.In the layered closure group mean time taken (min) was 25.03 with a standard deviation of 1.83. Conclusion: The age of the patients ranged from 15-65 years. Out of 60 patients 16 were in the age group of <30 years, 13 were 30-39 years, 11 were 40-49 years and 20 were >50 years.




How to Cite

Abhishek Mishra, Binoy Kumar, & Pankaj Kumar Mishra. (2022). A study of Clinical Profile assessment in Patients Undergoing Mass Closure and Layered Closure for Laparotomies. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 5(3), 299–301. Retrieved from https://ijhcr.com/index.php/ijhcr/article/view/4387