Knowledge, attitude and perception of Phase One MBBS students about immunization in children


  • Shipra Agrwal Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Army College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
  • Bindu T Nair Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Army College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
  • Mugdha Anand Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Army College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India


Immunization, Phase one MBBS, Universal immunization program, Perception, Foundation course


Background: Immunization is a very important strategy for improving the health in the community. During the pre-clinical years, MBBS students receive knowledge about immunization. Besides increasing awareness, inculcating positive attitudes in medical students toward immunization would lead to their increased participation in immunization promotion programs and their implementation. We planned this study with the aim of understanding the knowledge, attitude and perception of these new medical students about immunization in children and incorporation of immunization class in foundation course. Materials and methods: The study was conducted in a Medical college in North India. Phase One MBBS students who were undergoing the Foundation course were included in the study after taking informed consent. They were asked to fill a pre validated questionnaire containing questions about their knowledge, attitude and perception about immunization in children. The data was analyzed by Excel 2013. The study was approved by the institutional ethical committee. Results: Ninety eight out of 100 students filled the questionnaire, 54% of them were females. Sixty two (63.2%) students knew about the immunizations prior to the class. The knowledge scores ranged from 0-4 with 7 (7.3%) having full score of four while only 2 (2.1%) achieved score of zero. All of them (100%) agreed that doctors have very important role in educating the parents about importance of immunization and most of them (98%) believed that educating parents will improve the vaccine coverage. Most of them also believed that it is necessary to vaccination the children. Regarding the perception about the immunization and the inclusion of immunization class in the foundation course, all of them (100%) believed that it is important for the first year MBBS students to know the basics of immunization. Most of them believed that the immunization class in foundation course will help them understand immunization better in future classes and also felt motivated to promote immunization in the community. Conclusion: Newly joined Phase one MBBS students showed positive attitude and perceptions about immunization in children and inclusion of immunization class in foundation course. They had gaps in knowledge about immunization which needs to be filled during the medical curriculum.




How to Cite

Shipra Agrwal, Bindu T Nair, & Mugdha Anand. (2022). Knowledge, attitude and perception of Phase One MBBS students about immunization in children. International Journal of Health and Clinical Research, 5(2), 506–510. Retrieved from