Assess the prevalence of dry eye symptoms in different age groups in cases and controls patients of diabetes mellitus
Prevalence, Dry Eye, Diabetes Mellitus & Age.Abstract
Background & Method: This study included total 100 patients, 50 diabetics and 50 non-diabetics attending out-patient department or admitted in Gajara Raja Medical College, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh from duration between Feb. 2015 to Aug 2016.Result: The distribution of cases and controls according to age and sex. In case group there are more males as compared to females, and in control group there is no much difference in case and control group. prevalence of dry eye symptoms are more in case as compared to controls. most frequent symptoms are watering (72%), itching (66%) and foreign body sensation (56%) in case and 18%, 20% & 22% respectively in control group. Frequency of dry eye symptoms is more in cases.Conclusion: From our study it is concluded, that diabetic patients suffer more from dry eye disease as compared to normal population. The incidence of dry eye disease also increases with duration of diabetes and also directly associated with severity of diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic patients show a higher prevalence of dry eye symptoms (72%) and dry eye disease (52%) which is clinically significant (p<0.001). Dry eye symptoms specially itching, watering & foreign body sensations were more frequent as compared to other symptoms.
Keywords: Prevalence, Dry Eye, Diabetes Mellitus & Age.