CTG monitoring and its correlation with intraoperative findings and perinatal outcome
Objectives- To identify non-reassuring FHS and using cardiotocography machine and correlate it with intraoperative findings and to find out perinatal outcome.Materials and methods-It is a case control interventional study done in mahila chikitsalay SMS medical college Jaipur from Jan 2018 to Jan 2019 in which 180 patients with abnormal CTG findings were studied which were compared with control group of other 180 patient showing normal CTG,but in which caesarean section was done for any other indication.The results were statistically analysed for perinatal outcome,NICU admission and intraoperative findings.Results- Among 180 subjects of case group,there was a positive correlation between non reassuring CTG and intraoperative findings with meconium stained liquor 47.77%(p value.01),cord around neck 44.44% (p value.001%),oligohydramnios35.55%(p value.001),NICU admission 33.33%(p value.002).Conclusion-CTG monitoring is required certainly in labor room but judicious interpretation of FHS on CTG has to be done before taking up for caesarean section.
Key Words : CTG,Perinatal,monitoring