Pattern of presentation and the bacterial profile of conjunctivitis: an observational study
conjunctivitis, bacterial profile, demographic factorsAbstract
Aim: To study the pattern of presentation and determine the bacterial profile of conjunctivitis. Materials and Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in the Department of Ophthalmology, B.R. Singh Hospital Kolkata, WB, India March 2018 to oct 2019. This is prospective observational study with evaluation of demographic factors, associated comorbid conditions and finding causative organism i.e. bacteria gram staining culture methods and biochemical reaction. Results: Out of 100 cases high number of cases of acute conjunctivitis was seen in the age group of 20–30. Age group of below 20 shows less no of cases. Male preponderance is observed in all age groups. A male preponderance is noted with 60 males and 40 females. Acute conjunctivitis was observed in low socioeconomic patients as compare to middle socioeconomic status.
All 100 patients underwent Gram stain and bacterial culture .out of 100 patients 64 patients was culture positive and other was negative .In the present study, the most common organism isolated Coagulase positive staphylococci 40% followed Klebsiella pneumoniae with 12%, Pseudomonas 5%, Diptheroids and least Alkaligenes fecalis. Complications like Petechial haemorrhages were seen in 90 % of the cases while Punctate keratitis was seen in 9%. All the cases presented with red eyes, conjunctival congestion is seen in all the cases, lid oedema in 92 cases, matting of eyelashes in 42 cases and preauricular lymphadenopathy in 46 cases , Conjunctival follicles 87 cases and Corneal sensation was present in 97 cases. Conclusion: This study provides to the ophthalmologist a working knowledge of the causal microbes, their common presentation, clinical course and antibiotic sensitivity pattern. This helps in effectively managing bacterial conjunctivitis. We feel that such comprehensive surveys are necessary to assess the specific characteristics of the acute conjunctivitis, which are unique for each region and population.
Keywords: conjunctivitis, bacterial profile, demographic factors